Magharibi Place, Mai Mahiu Road, Off Lang'ata Road, Nairobi[email protected]

Data Security

What is Data Security? Data security is the process of protecting corporate data and preventing data loss through unauthorized access....

Keeping kids safe online

Keeping kids safe online

The COVID 19 lockdown has forced families to be together for a few weeks and everyone is at risk of...

Microsoft’s release of patches for multiple different on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server zero-day vulnerabilities

Microsoft’s has released some patches for multiple different on-premises Microsoft Exchange Server zero-day vulnerabilities that are being exploited by a...

Cyberattacks Target Remote Work Tools

Remote access to business environments has become a vital part of everyday work during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the...

Acronis Warns: Coronavirus Will Increase Cyberattacks Against Healthcare Targets

By Candid Wuest  The new reality we all have entered has brought new challenges and new risks: specifically in cyberspace, as...