Magharibi Place, Mai Mahiu Road, Off Lang'ata Road, Nairobi[email protected]

Posts by admin

What is Doxing?

The term ‘Doxing’ is short for “dropping dox” ‘dox’ being slang for documents. Typically, doxing is a malicious act, used...

Reduce downtime with a better backup strategy and solution.

Reduce downtime with a better backup strategy and solution.

What if your business went down for hours, how much revenue will you lose? How soon are you able to...

Why your Sacco deposits are at risk

More than half of Saccos are yet to implement data recovery plans though the sector has suffered major cyberattack attempts...

Gone in Minutes, Out for Hours: Outage Shakes Facebook

When apps used by billions of people worldwide blinked out, lives were disrupted, businesses were cut off from customers —...

What is data security?

Data security is the term used to describe the process, policies, and technology that ensure a business’ data is secure...